Monday, August 13, 2007

Don't dip your chips in that.

D, Belle and I went on a long-weekend's journey to visit our parents this past weekend. It was the first time for traveling with Belle out-of-state, and she did a great job. She slept a lot in the car, and when she wasn't sleeping, she was contentedly watching the world go by. Each set of parents had their friends over while we visited, and Belle was a charming hostess at both soirees. She smiled, she looked people in the eye, she even fell asleep in a few people's arms.
Unfortunately, I had some kind of stomach bug during the trip, which made an already tiring excursion even more draining. Worse, Belle seemed to pick it up from me yesterday, and in the evening she had what D called a "guacamole poop".
We are both doing much better today, and I have to get cracking on yet another batch of thank-you notes for all the lovely gifts we received. I have discovered that the only way to not feel like I'm always writing thank-you notes is to write them as soon as possible, so there's no time for them to prey on my mind.

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