Osh Kosh Overalls, size 3-6mo., weigh 9.5oz
That's the punchline.
The setup is this:
I weighed Belle at the local baby boutique today, and was absolutely shocked at how much it seemed she had gained in the past three weeks. I actually turned the scale off and then on and then reset it to zero, but still it read the same crazy-high number. I figured that about 4-5 ounces were due to clothing, but it still seemed really high.
Later in the evening, I weighed the overalls Belle had been wearing, and that solved the mystery. Heavy overalls!
I didn't know baby boutiques had scales. Like grocery shopping, but shopping for your baby?
Gosh... I am clearly totally out of it. We didn't have BABY WEIGHERS in "my day!"
We DID have OshKosh, however.
We don't have anything like that, but we can walk into the pediatrician's office and use the scale by ourselves any time we want. I don't bother very often, since it's a pain to undress and redress The Bear, but you've given me such a good idea! We could weigh her clothed and weigh the clothes at home on the food scale.
Think of all the places we could weigh her! The post office! The produce section at the grocery store! The veterinarian!
Y'all are crazy.
This place isn't just a store, it's a maternity center. www.isismaternity.com
So yeah, baby weighers.
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