October is a busy month 'round here
Where September was a month dedicated to getting in the swing of our new work and day care schedules, October is the month of, now that we've got a schedule, visiting with friends. Lots of travel, and a little bit of hosting, but we have let the apartment get messy. I still have a full suitcase from 2 weeks ago, and D and I both wondered where two of the dryer balls disappeared to for weeks now. I found them yesterday in a forgotten laundry basket full of to-be-ironed table linens hidden behind said suitcase.
Belle is doing great; she's between colds right now, which is how I'll be thinking of "not sick" until June. A few weeks ago, she proved herself too adept a roller to be allowed free reign on her playmat in the middle of the apartment, so she is now confined to the Pack-and-Play. This seems to be OK with her. Her current project is figuring out depth perception, also known as Is That Close Enough To Touch, a game that goes hand in hand with Can I Fit It In My Mouth?
Breastfeeding is going fine, as is the pumping, except that I have some weird thing that I think is a milk bleb. "Milk bleb" is fun to say, even just said silently in my mind. Milk bleb milk bleb milk bleb.
It also would be a funny insult to call someone. "You milk bleb!" I think it might catch on.
In these busy weeks, D and I have found a little time to zone out and watch some of the new fall tv season. Between returning shows and all the Exciting New Programs, the first two weeks of the fall tv season meant we watched more than usual, and definitely more than we should.
I cut Bionic Woman from my slate after the pilot - blech. I don't see how they can promote the show as girl power when the entire premise is based on a guy using his girlfriend's body without her permission.
Pushing Daisies is the next for the chopping block. I feel like I should like it, but they're doing it all wrong somehow. I do like Jim Dale's voiceover work, and the character Olivia, but the two main characters are just yuck.
New Show Keepers: Chuck and Reaper. Despite the articles comparing them to one another, these shows are definitely distinct. And cute.
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