Sunday, September 09, 2007

Post-Partum Hair Loss

Confession #8

The post-partum hair loss is getting out of hand. So much hair! on the floor! in my hand! in the comb! It's weaving itself into wall-to-wall carpeting on the bathroom floor.

My hair is shoulder-length, and styled with long layers. This means that not all my hair is the same length; it's a shaping thing I guess. Anyway, the longest layers, the hair that reaches to my shoulders, is getting pretty thin as a result of all this hair loss. It hangs in thin patches and is starting to resemble a mullet.

Hair loss supposedly peaks around the 4 month mark, so this month will see the worst of it, and it will get better starting in October. I'm holding off on a haircut until the end of the month, but it's... well, it's kind of sad. My hair's shorter than I'm used to in the first place, so I don't have a lot of options for updo's. A pair of french braids looks really cute, but I can't do that for work. Anyway, whine, bitch, moan, my hair, my hair, is everywhere; here baby, there Mama, everywhere, Daddy Daddy.

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