Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sinful Indulgence

With an October birthday, it's a rule - nay, almost a commandment - that I not buy anything for myself between my birthday and Christmas, if that item can be gifted to me. This has been an unspoken law in our family, since both my sister and I have October birthdays.

But come ON, you guys! I was already placing an order to my smack dealer preferred online board game vendor, and honestly, I have shown excellent restraint in not-yet-buying this game for months, if not an entire year.
Hello, it's pirate-themed.
I'm also pretty sure that when I ordered it, it was as a present for myself for something important and deserving. I just can't recall what that thing was.

Anyway, I'm confident that fellow board game lovers will generally approve of my purchase, but I expect to receive a chastising from my family when (if) they find out.

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