Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hey there, xiety*

My computer's been fiesty re: wireless connections and various drivers, so posting will be light 'til I figure this out. I do, however, want to share with you my total wussidom. Let me say right now that I have never been good with blood tests. It's not the pain (what pain?) - it's the anxiety.

JJ: I went for my blood test this morning, but when I saw that she was going to fill 8 test tubes, I started sobbing. The nice nurse told me maybe I should come back in the afternoon with someone else to drive me home. I cried the whole way to work - it was not normal crying, either; it was that awful hormonal I-know-I-shouldn't-be-crying-this-much-but-I-can't-stop crying.
You know that saying "you can't fail a blood test" oh, I found a way.

Sis: They shouldn't SHOW you those damn vials if they know you are easily upset by taking blood. Tell them next time to hide them or something.
Be strong! You'll show those blood tests who's boss!

JJ: Ok, I went back in the afternoon with D, who I might have traumatized with my sobbing phone call this morning. It went fine, and he was very impressed that I had 8 test-tubes taken. He swears he's never had more than four taken at once. I asked him to buy me flowers as a reward. Much better than the Dora stickers the nurse had.

*This counts as Blog Confession #2


Karianna said...

Never look at the vials.

Close your eyes and wait.

JJ said...

I know ...NOW!!!

Next one's only about 2 vials, anyway. I feel like I can handle that, since I did the 8 without fainting.