Sunday, August 19, 2007

Unremarkable = Perfection

Yesterday was the kind of Saturday I'd been looking forward to for ages. Beautiful weather, no plans, just us. Before Belle, this kind of day generally went somewhat wasted: we might get out on some kind of trip, but ultimately it felt to me like we just weren't fulfilling the potential of the day.

Now, with a baby, the potential of a day is very different. Instead of feeling like there's so much I should get done, I felt like everything we do accomplish is a victory, and everything we do is layered with a kind of significance, because we're doing it with Belle as well. Mostly, we had a quiet day at home. Our big outing was to take Belle on a little 1-mile hike in the Baby Bjorn, and once we had gotten her to sleep at night, we tried cooking a new recipe for dinner.

Sure, we didn't hike Mt. Monadnock or camp out overnight or throw a party, but it was perfect to me the way it was. This is precisely the kind of day I was looking forward to having once we became parents, and I have not been disappointed.

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