I'll call her Belle
The name "Baby" has an expiration date on it, so I'm going to call her Belle.
I still don't know what her different cries are, but I think the reason for that is partly because I so rarely hear her cry when she's hungry. I feed her every 3-4 hours during the day, and it's only about once a week that she realizes she's hungry before I feed her. When she wakes up hungry at night, I'm just not that with-it to notice the nature of her cry. After all, I know exactly what she wants.
In addition to not getting particularly hungry during the day, Belle has taken to getting a good chunk of sleep at night, falling asleep by 8:30 at the latest and waking at 2am at the earliest. This leaves me with a dilemma many new moms face: do I try to get a full 6+ hours of uninterrupted sleep by going to bed at 7:30pm, or do I enjoy a quiet evening and continue getting 4ish hours at a time? So far, it's been the latter, and I'm trying to be in bed by 10:15, which mostly translates to "before 11". I usually get another 2-3 hours after that feeding before the next.
The only frustration we have with Belle's latest schedule and otherwise-delightful personality is that she has to have a good cry before sleeping most of the time. When she gets tired in the afternoon, she gets so sad and cranky. And in the evening when we're getting her ready for bed, there's always crying. Sometimes her evening crankytime lasts only 15 minutes, but sometimes it can go for 90 before she tuckers herself out. It's so very sad when she cries, and I feel so sad to not be able to help her.
I think that's one of the most important lessons of parenthood - that sometimes, we just can't help our children, we can only be there to hold them and love them. I've seen my mother go through the same thing when I've had hard times, so I might as well just learn how to deal with it now.
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