Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Show and Tell

About a month ago, we learned that the couple moving in next door has the same due date for their baby as we do. We haven't gotten to meet the wife, we just briefly encountered the husband on their moving day.

When D got home last night, he told me that he had heard a baby crying from the house next door; it sounds like they are home from the hospital with their newborn. "Look," I said, turning around and tugging at my pjs, "I think the hives have spread to my butt."

Them: newborn baby.
Us: Ass hives.

I'm starting to look like something out of a medical journal. If anyone hears of any local casting calls for Medicine's Next Top Model, let me know.

1 comment:

MissoulaChick said...

So I read this post and I swear to god I thought to myself, "Ooooo! I wonder if she put a picture of the Ass Hives on Flickr!" and then I actually clicked on the J-Flickr icon on my menu bar before I thought better of that notion.

And then I thought, "Darn. No new photos."

Sorry to hear Mittens is feeling queasy. Is she better now?