Saturday, May 26, 2007

Recycled Video!

I did not take this video; it's from the chicken blog (listed in the sidebar).
Chickens like cheese, apparently.
Also, they like watching fingers.
This video totally cheered me up on a very annoying day of hideous hives and a complete lack of going into labor.


MissoulaChick said...

Organic "Montana" Jack cheese, precisely.

You can see our mentally challenged, gold headed chicken to the left throughout the video. She just sort of stands there, pretty much the whole time.

She is my husband's favorite...

MissoulaChick said...

oops. I mean for the first half of the video. Then she wanders off.

About 3/4 through the video, the rooster (with the white afro) nips my left hand. Watch carefully- it is kind of funny.

Karianna said...

Eat some spicy pizza and have some good hot lovin' to jump start that labor. :)