Wednesday, March 21, 2007

IF YOU LIKE cleaning your sink, YOU'LL ALSO ENJOY descending into death

I was looking at the FlyLady's book on, and I noticed that the little buy-these-books-together-and-save seemed awfully strange.

Buy Sink Reflections: Overwhelmed? Disorganized? Living in Chaos? The FlyLady's Simple FLYing Lessons Will Show You How to Get Your Home and Your Life in Order--and It All Starts with Shining Your Sink!
and get My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life at an additional 5% off's everyday low price.

Please let me know when Sink Reflections has a foreword by Anne Rice, because that will be worth reading.


Karianna said...

Nesting, my dear?

Forget Flylady - just try to get some rest. Wait until Petunia is older before you attempt shining anything.

JJ said...

Oh, I don't wholly subscribe to flylady - I'd never get ANYthing done, she sends out so many emails.

But I do think she has excellent tips and tricks - I've taken several of her's and tweaked them to fit our cleaning style, and it's really helped.