Sunday, June 03, 2007

Baby has arrived

Just a quick post to let you know that I had the baby last Wednesday. Healthy baby girl, doing well, and I'm in good shape, considering the surgery, etc.
And yes, I still have the PUPPs, but they aren't quite so itchy; just mildly itchy.
Great hospital. Could have used an internet connection, but the nurses were fantastic.
Will blog more whenI get the chance. If you want to leave a comment, please kindly recall that I use nicknames on the blog. Baby's nickname is still in the works - call her Baby for now.


Anonymous said...

well, try not to put her in a corner.

congrats, btw :)

Karianna said...

Congratulations on Baby. I am so glad she arrived safely, even if she didn't take those pesky PUPPs away.

tcc3 said...

Congratulations !!!