Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow when I start telling non-family people about what D and I have been calling 'the little bean'. Our parents have been admonished to keep the secret until Saturday, but I'm starting early Friday night with my West Coast friends, mostly because I'll be spending Saturday with a bunch of local friends, and there won't be any good time to call West, and then after that, it'll be open season on the gossip.

I'm still worried that the little bean has escaped its nice home inside me, but only because I keep hearing stories about that happening to women - the womb keeps developing for weeks after Elvis has left the building. With no doctor appointment until Dec.1st, I'm just going to have to take it on faith that the little one is still in residence.

I'm telling folks at work on Monday, and I'm psyched about that, because it means I can start wearing the pregnancy work pants I bought. They're still pretty big on me, but oh - so comfortable in the waist. I'm down to two pairs of work-appropriate pants that still fit, so this is a huge improvement on my selection when I don't feel like wearing a skirt and tights.

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