In the people-I-have-failed-to-timely-notify pile, please include my friend from high school who got the news from my mom when she called my parents' house accidentally or something. Anyway, here's the catch-up email I sent. Now everyone will feel caught up!
My Official Due Date is May 23rd, and we found out at the ultrasound last week that it's a girl. I'm at what's called the 19th week; the 'standard' is to count along a 40 week progression from last period to due date. So I'm almost at the halfway point! Sort of!
I haven't thrown up once, and I'm incredibly proud of the streak I've got going, though I've developed some kind of weird thing, maybe acid-reflux, that periodically threatens to break the streak. Most of my 1st trimester I was exhausted and nauseated. Now, in my 2nd, I feel much better but I have an achy lower back.
I should be able to feel her in a few weeks. I had my monthly dr visit this morning, and she (baby, not doctor) was very squirmy while the nurse was trying to find a heartbeat. Squirmy is good, but it is freaky to know that a being is squirming inside me and I can't feel it.
Well, that all might be more than you needed, but there you go. My mission for January is to figure out a pediatrician, a new doctor for myself because mine is moving away, sign up for a few prenatal classes, interview childcare facilities, and not get overwhelmed by it all. Hopefully we'll get to start setting up the baby's room, too. That should be fun.